Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Essay on Disney Scoping
Essay on Disney Scoping Essay on Disney Scoping Emina Hublic In order for the expansion of Disney to be successful, there are several workplace laws that must be fulfilled. The decisions within the Disney expansion and the actions within the legal system, contain evident consequences. For this reason, gaining an understanding of the rights and responsibilities, and of how the legal system functions, is the paramount of importance when it comes to making the right decisions when necessary. Occupational health and safety is said to be a disciplinary area that is a fundamental principle in which Disney must consider. This allows for the expansion of Disney to foster a safe and healthy working environment for the people. Upon expanding the company, there are responsibilities that they must ensure do not create health and safety problems for employers, employees and the general public. The Walt Disney company states 'The company aims to minimise risks and associated costs by providing professional technical services that foster the safest environment possible' (Safety and Security). The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Work Place by the Government of India (International Labour Organization), is a law that is reviewed every five years. This law must be taken into consideration for the Goa expansion. By acknowledging and understanding the Workplace Health and safety laws, it will assist the company in avoiding further costs regarding damage, due to injur y and illness, thus allowing them to provide a strong foundation in order to achieve long-term success. If these laws are not followed, the indirect costs will intensify in damages, recruitment, as well as inefficiency. When expanding Disney, key elements can be practiced. For instance investigating and resolving complaints made by the public and employees, ensuring that suitable records are kept regarding health hazards and accidents, as well as promoting health and safety programs in order to gather information regarding existing potential hazards. Upon electing Goa as a desired destination, Government played a significant role in determining whether or not this destination was suitable. The trends within Goa have ruptured dramatically. The frequent changes within the Goan government has grown drastically (Rohit Joshi, 2014) resulting in political instability, thus causing legal issues. The result of these regular changes can cause great difficulty with the need of policies going through governmental process, meaning the government could be overall less effective in the assistance of a successful Disney. In order to expand, there is a primary focus placed upon infrastructure. This requires a sustained effort of the sort that can be best provided by a stable government. The inability to also provide a good climate for change causes several ramifications. Investing in Disney provides an immense amount of risks due to the possibility of failure, causing chaos as well as destroying potential investments. The law cannot be constantl y changing. This does not mean that the law should not change- it should change in accordance to the wants and needs of society (Ouliaris, J 2010) and must be sufficiently flexible for the expansion of Disney. Encouraging ethical behaviour is a major leading factor to the success of
Monday, March 2, 2020
Definition and Examples of Enumeratio in Rhetoric
Definition and Examples of Enumeratio in Rhetoric Enumeratio is a rhetorical term for the listing of details- a type of amplification and division. Also called enumeration or dinumeratio. In A History of Renaissance Rhetoric 1380-1620 (2011), Peter Mack defines enumeratio as a form of argumentation, in which all the possibilities are set out and all but one are eliminated. In classical rhetoric, enumeratio was considered part of the arrangement (dispositio) of a speech and was often included in the peroration (or closing part of an argument). Etymology From the Latin, counting up Examples and Observations Enumeratio in Speeches[W]hen we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children, black men, and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!Enumeratio and Division[E]numeratio . . . partitions a subject into its adjuncts or features. If numbering of the parts is added to the division, labeling a first, second, and third item in a series, the figure is eutrepismus (Joseph 1947, 11-114). Division as an argumentative strategy . . . can be stretched across paragraphs or pages, but to be stylistically visible or figured, any of these divisions must produce either a list of words or phrases in a single sentence constituent or contiguous predictions in a short stretch of text.Enumeratio in an Essay by Jonathan Swift[A]mong such as deal in multitudes of words, none are comparable to the sober deliberate talker, who proceedeth with much thought and caution, maketh his preface, brancheth out into several digressions, findeth a hint that putteth him in mind of another story, which he promiseth to tell you when this is done; cometh back regularly to his subject, cannot readily call to mind some persons name, holding his head, complaineth of his memory; the whole company all this while in suspense; at length says, it is no matter, and so goes on. And, to crown the business, it perhaps proveth at last a story the company hath heard fifty times before; or, at best, some insipid adventure of the relater. Negative EnumerationHe believed he was a newspaper reporter, yet read no paper except The Mockingburg Record, and so managed to ignore terrorism, climatological change, collapsing governments, chemical spills, plagues, recession and failing banks, floating debris, the disintegrating ozone layer. Volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes, religious frauds, defective vehicles and scientific charlatans, mass murderers and serial killers, tidal waves of cancer, AIDS, deforestation, and exploding aircraft were as remote to him as braid catches, canions and rosette-embroidered garters. Scientific journals spewed reports of mutant viruses, of machines pumping life through the near-dead, of the discovery that the galaxies were streaming apocalyptically toward an invisible Great Attractor like flies into a vacuum cleaner nozzle. That was the stuff of others lives. He was waiting for his to begin. Pronunciation e-nu-me-RA-ti-o Sources Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 1963Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Figures in Science. Oxford University Press, 1999Jonathan Swift, Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation, 1713E. Annie Proulx, The Shipping News. Simon Schuster, 1993)
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