Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay on Women in the Plays of William Shakespeare -- Biography Biogra
Women in the Plays of Shakespeare      By paying close attention to the woman's part in Shakespeare's plays, we can see his works with a new perspective. But we must remember that we are examining a male dramatist of extraordinary range writing in a remote period when women's position was in obvious ways more restricted and less disputed than in our own period. Sandra Gilbert writes in The Madwoman in the Attic that literature is defined as a mirror held up to society and nature, "the mimetic aesthetic that begins with Aristotle and descends through Shakespeare implies that the poet, like a lesser God, has made or engendered an alternative, mirror-universe in which he actually seems to enclose or trap shadows of reality" (Madwoman 5). While some artists do not necessarily duplicate in their art the "realities" of their culture, they may exploit them to create character or intensify conflict, or struggle with, criticize, or transcend them. Shakespeare, it would seem, "encompasses more and preaches less tha n most authors, hence the centuries-old controversy over his religious affiliation, political views, and sexual preferences" (Lenz 4). His attitude toward women are equally complex and demand as much examination.   As we begin to study the female characters, we must overlook the male superiority that patriarchal misogyny implies in the literature of his era, as evidenced in many studies. In "Shakespeare: on Love and Lust", Charney explains the stance taken by critics such as Janet Adelman in "Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest", and Kahn's "Man's Estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare". He claims that these two authors, as many others do, view Sh... ... mother, wife, nor England's queen" The Roles of Women in Richard III". The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Galye Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Park, Clara Claiborne. "As We Like It: How a Girl Can Be Smart and Still Popular." The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Gayle Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Schoenbaum, S. "The Life of Shakespeare." The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Ed Stanley Wells. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. Sandra Gilbert. New York: Norton and Company, 1996.    Â
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Positive and Negative Sides to Religion
Positive and Negative sides to religion All religions have one goal for society which is to unite them with a divine reality. People desire this type of reality that exists in all organized religions. Eastern and Western religions all share another commonality which are rituals, prayers, stories about a divine being and symbols. Organized religions have varied attributes. Though the goal is common the structure and rules vary from religion to religion. Organized religion has a positive effect on most people because of the structure and consistency.It gives a meaningful purpose to everyday life. People who pray are healthier, less apt to do drugs, or even smoke cigarettes (Fisher, 2005). The power of prayer also helps lower blood pressure, promotes healing, and maintains health in the individuals who pray on a daily basis Medical researchers have done studies on the power of prayer and healing with heart patients. They found those who prayed on a daily had a shorter healing time than those who chose not to pray.There is a negative side to organized religion. Certain groups that have misconstrued the truth about what religion is and use that to manipulate others into thinking their way. By using charisma to brainwash others into thinking that their version of religion is the only way promotes violence against others. Fundamentalists use the outside of the religion to promote their beliefs. The religion of Islam teaches their followers to promote peaceful existence; there are extremists that teach violence and oppression.Even in Christianity also has fundamentalists and extremists that start cults and brainwash others into believing that their way is the only way. This manipulation and oppression is justified because of the charisma that the heretics use. People who are lost in life, that they do not belong anywhere in society are targets because of their vulnerability by these so-called religious leaders. The example that comes to mind is the Jim Jones incident i n Johannesburg South Africa. Jim Jones was a charismatic man whom had followers that brainwashed and manipulated to believe he was Messiah.He convinced all his followers to drink poisoned Kool aid in the belief that they were the chosen ones and were going to heaven. Unfortunately, all those innocent people died because they just wanted to believe in a higher power. Not all charismatic religious leaders are manipulating. The late Reverend Billy Graham was a charismatic personality that empowered people to believe in God and good things will happen. He did not use the power of manipulation or oppression to obtain followers. He spoke the true word of God and used the positive aspects of religion to his segregation.Many charismatic religious leaders have made certain impacts in organized religion. The fundamentalists try to enforce the negative aspects of religion by using the outside meaning instead that, which is taught from the holy scripture. The holy scripture of each religion sho uld promote love, well being, and unity. When this is manipulated and the fundamentalists misuse what is originally intended causes not only harm to innocent people but society itself.Reference Fisher 2005 Chapter 1 pages 1-30
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Summary Of The Odd One Out - 1271 Words
Sarthak Chawla Nathanial Hodes Composition 16th September The Odd One Out On the most famous street in Boston, Newbury, there lays two architectural opposites just across from one another. The Church of the Covenants a great historical church built in a gothic architectural style where you would see historians, tour guides or school field trips and a Victoria Secret store that covers an entire block and is build on the bases of modern architecture where friends and family would go shopping or for a day out. Why would there be such ancient architecture at a modern vibrant shopping district such a Newbury? The Church of the Covenants was built in 1867 and the decision to surround such a historic artifact with a shopping district was done purposefully. The Church when seen seems very out of place in a street such as Newbury, however, the two polar opposite architectural masterpieces reflect the diversity of Newbury Street, and as to why it is referred to the time square of Boston. The different architecture invites different types of people to such a vibrant street making it not only a tourist attraction but also a street where people from all different demographics come. The presence of the Convent Church cannot be ignored by anyone when they walk on Newbury Street. I found it to be very interesting how nothing near the church was taller than it. The architecture of the street made it so that the all the surrounding shops will be lower and if you looked up you would onlyShow MoreRelatedIntroduction To Research1288 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional healthcare, and have the ability to comprehend English. All ages will be accepted. The researcher will not be able to control who participates, but will ask for both sit-stand and sitting only computer workstation users in the email sent out. IRB Approval With committee chair approval, the researcher will disseminate the proposal to the remainder of the committee for review. 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