Monday, August 24, 2020
anthropic principle :: essays research papers
The Anthropic Principle In the mid 1970s, Brandon Carter expressed what he called "the human-centered principle": that what we can hope to watch "must be confined by the conditions fundamental for our essence as observers" (Leslie ed. 1990). Carter’s word "anthropic" was proposed as applying to savvy creatures all in all. The "weak" form of his rule shrouded the spatiotemporal areas where eyewitnesses got themselves, while its "strong" adaptation secured their universes, yet the differentiation between spatiotemporal locale and universes, and consequently between the powerless rule and the solid, couldn't generally be made immovably: one writer’s "universe" could now and again be another’s "gigantic district". Also, the need included was never - not even on account of the "strong human-centered principle" - a matter of saying that some factor, f or example God, had made our universe absolutely destined to be wise life-allowing, not to mention wise life-containing. Nonetheless, every one of these focuses have frequently been misjudged and, in any event with regards to expressing what words mean, blunders normally rehashed can stop to be mistakes. Has Carter in this way lost okay to figure out what "anthropic principle" and "strong human-centered principle" truly mean? No, he has not, for his recommendation that observership’s essentials may set up observational determination impacts is of such significance. Keep in mind, it could illuminate any watched adjusting without presenting God. Everything is pushed into disarray when individuals state that faith in God "is upheld by the human-centered principle", which means basically that they put stock in calibrating and figure God can clarify it. As articulated via Carter , the human-centered rule doesn't to such an exte nt as notice adjusting. Monitoring conceivable "anthropic" observational choice impacts can support one lot of desires, and confidence in God another set. On the off chance that speculating that Carter’s human-centered standard has functional significance, you will be readier to accept (I) that there exist different universes and (ii) that their attributes have been settled haphazardly, some system, for example, enormous swelling guaranteeing that everything was settled in a similar manner all through the district noticeable to our telescopes. Valid, the devotee to God can acknowledge these things as well, yet the individual in question may feel far less strain to acknowledge them. Regardless of whether there existed just a solitary universe, God could have tweaked it in manners that urged savvy life to develop. A potential contention for inclining toward the God speculation runs as follows. A physical power quality or rudimentary molecule mass can frequently appear to have expected tuning to such and such a numerical worth, give or take practically nothing, for a few unique reasons.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aircraft Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology Essay
Airplane Solutions Security Assessment And Recommendations Information Technology Essay The motivation behind this evaluation is to address shortcomings and give suggestions on the system security of Aircraft Solutions. Airplane Solutions is a perceived pioneer in the structure and manufacture of segment items and administrations for organizations in the gadgets, business, protection, and avionic business. Airplane Solutions strategic to give client accomplishment through machined items and related administrations, and to meet cost, quality, and calendar necessities. Two shortcomings were found concerning the companys arrange security. The main shortcoming is an equipment shortcoming; not having an AAA server for client validation and approval; second, not having a Network-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) being used. The prescribed arrangements are to convey an AAA server for client validation and approval to organization assets, and send a blend Host and Network-based IDS for by and large checking of the companys endeavor. Organization Overview Airplane Solutions plans and creates part items and administrations for organizations in the gadgets, business, protection, and avionic business. The strategic Aircraft Solutions is to give client accomplishment through machined items and related administrations, and to meet cost, quality, and timetable prerequisites. Quite a bit of its hardware is robotized to build creation while decreasing expenses. The companys workforce has a huge ability base: structure engineers, software engineers, mechanics, and get together faculty to work its profoundly mechanized creation frameworks. The organization procedure is to offer minimal effort plan and PC helped demonstrating bundles to clients to diminish their improvement costs. Airplane Solutions utilizes Business Process Management (BPM) to deal with start to finish forms that range various frameworks and associations. The BPM framework is intended to interface clients, merchants, and providers to share data and keep up an auspicious business discourse. BPM likewise adjusts inward business activities to IT backing to keep up creation on the side of client necessities. Security Weaknesses Two security vulnerabilities were found with respect to the companys arrange security. The primary powerlessness is an equipment shortcoming; not having an Authorization, Authentication, and Accounting (AAA) server for client verification and approval; second, not having a Network-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) being used. Equipment Weakness AAA Server Airplane Solution has a requirement for an AAA server to confirm and approve real client certifications for its on location central station, intranet remote workplaces, and extranet for providers, contractual workers, and providers. An AAA foundation is required so as to approve and verify clients to organization assets; get to control. AAA servers give a component to scrambled verification of clients and can be utilized to control access to the system. Validation confirms the character of a client by utilizing a database of usernames and passwords. Approval allots arrange rights or consents to a verified client. Approval records or logs arrange use of validation and approved clients. Bookkeeping can be utilized to record data about security penetrates. (Kaeo, 2004) Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions utilizes a host-put together IDS with respect to the servers in the corporate office. I think having a blend of host-put together IDS with respect to basic servers and a system based IDS by the firewall for each system fragment is better. A decent technique for IDS is utilize a blend of host and system IDS. A Network-based IDS gives a general point of view of your system and is valuable for recognizing circulated assaults, though a Host-based IDS would stop most legitimate dangers at the host level. (Kaeo, 2004) An IDS secures a system like a caution framework. At the point when an IDS distinguishes that something isn't right and considers it to be an assault, it can make restorative move itself or tell an administration framework, which would make a system executive aware of make some move. Interruption Detection Systems are significant as far as halting an assault, yet in addition in keeping up a changeless time-stepped log of interruption endeavors on a host framework. An IDS permits an organization to realize that they are being assaulted and who is assaulting them, how they are getting along it, and what they may be searching for. An IDS is the guard dog that includes a layer of resistance over all system security frameworks and approaches. Meaning of Solution Arrangement of AAA Server Airplane Solutions needs to halfway oversee who has approval to remotely get to arrange assets from anyplace, which organize asset are those remote clients approved to get to, and any related issues. Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) and Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) are the two conventions for actualizing the AAA innovation structure. A concentrated AAA server that utilizes TACACS+ convention will give a brought together area to Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting for Cisco gadgets. Client validation on Cisco gadgets should be possible in a couple of ways; a nearby database of clients on the server, or by a TACACS+ server.â TACACS+ is a Cisco exclusive convention that utilizes TCP as a vehicle convention and can isolate confirmation, approval, and bookkeeping as discrete administrations. The AAA server goes about as an intermediary server by utilizing TACACS+ to validation, approve, and representing access to Cisco switches and system get to servers. The Authentication capacity of an AAA server can give get to control; this demonstrates a valuable capacity in situations where theres a necessity to confine access to arrange gadgets or applications per individual confirmed client. (Kaeo, 2004) Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions needs to convey a Network-based IDS in blend with its Host-based IDS. I figure Aircraft Solutions ought to have a Network-based IDS so as to screen all traffic to and from the Internet to perceive what number of programmers or different vindictive exercises are attempting to get to the companys organize. Notwithstanding observing Internet traffic, a Network-based IDS can see traffic setting off to a firewall or VPN and to other joined gadgets. A blend IDS will likewise empower Aircraft Solutions to all the more likely screen and viably react to a security occurrence by utilizing ongoing capacity. A Network-base IDS is intended to detect malignant action happening on a system and gives ongoing making aware of Administrators to research. The absence of not having such a framework leaves Aircraft Solutions in danger by not being able to see noxious system traffic and depending on framework occasions to be cautioned of pernicious movement. (Kaeo, 2004) Legitimization Arrangement of AAA Server The seller arrangement Id select would be Cisco equipment. Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) would be most appropriate for use as an AAA Server. My avocation for that is Cisco ACS server covers the three primary elements of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting; and the utilization of TACACS+ convention is Cisco exclusive convention. Airplane Solutions has various clients that partake in start to finish forms that range different frameworks and associations. A Business Process Management (BPM) framework is set up to deal with these procedures. Frameworks are access by clients at various degrees of need to know and these clients are liable for entering, preparing information, and data so as to produce reports to be utilized for dynamic. Client information, for example, venture data, PC helped structure, and advancement models are arranged and put away in assigned servers. The Design Engineering office is answerable for checking on the electronic models, associating with the client and making vital changes with client endorsement, at that point setting them in an Engineering Release (ER) catalog for programming. When these electronic models are discharged, software engineers use them to make creation programs. Every last program must be altogether confirmed for precision before discharging to the Proof For Production (PFP) catalog for assembling to make the creation first article. From the creation floor, mechanics download PFP programs legitimately to their DCNC (Direct Computer Numerical Control) machines for execution. After any further handling finished items are reviewed for confirmation to client prerequisites, at that point they are moved to the transportation office for conveyance. Taking a gander at how Aircraft Solutions BPM functions, there is unquestionably a requirement for focal client validation and approval. An AAA server with TACACS+ can be utilized to deal with the enormous quantities of client IDs and passwords in a unified database, giving a versatile system security arrangement. (Oppenheimer, 2004). An AAA server will guarantee access to plan, creation, bookkeeping, deals, and HR servers just go to approved architects and faculty. An AAA server will likewise follow all clients movement and endeavors to get to arrange assets; occasion logging. Model, in the event that somebody is attempting to get to creation programs and theyre not approved it will be logged, taking into account an examination of the occurrence whenever required. Programming Weakness Combination Host and Network-based IDS Airplane Solutions has numerous clients getting to its system, be it providers, clients, branch office representatives and so forth A Network-based IDS is expected to ensure the system. Like a mortgage holder having a caution framework to avert or to alarm them of an interloper. I see an IDS in this style. An IDS recognizes on the off chance that somebody attempts to break in through the firewall or figures out how to break in the firewall security and attempts to approach on any framework in the confided in side and alarms the framework chairman in the event that there is a penetrate in securit
Friday, July 17, 2020
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962, major cold war confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. In response to the Bay of Pigs Invasion and other American actions against Cuba as well as to President Kennedy 's build-up in Italy and Turkey of U.S. strategic nuclear forces with first-strike capability aimed at the Soviet Union, the USSR increased its support of Fidel Castro 's Cuban regime. In the summer of 1962, Nikita Khrushchev secretly decided to install nuclear-armed ballistic missiles in Cuba. When U.S. reconnaissance flights revealed the clandestine construction of missile launching sites, President Kennedy publicly denounced (Oct. 22, 1962) the Soviet actions. He imposed a naval blockade on Cuba and declared that any missile launched from Cuba would warrant a full-scale retaliatory attack by the United States against the Soviet Union. On Oct. 24, Russian ships carrying missiles to Cuba turned back, and when Khrushchev agreed (Oct. 28) to withdraw the missiles and dismantle the missile sites, the crisis ended as suddenly as it had begun. The United States ended its blockade on Nov. 20, and by the end of the year the missiles and bombers were removed from Cuba. The United States, in return, pledged not to invade Cuba, and subsequently, in fulfillment of a secret agreement with Khrushchev, removed the ballistic missiles placed in Turkey. See E. R. May and P. D. Zeilkow, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis (1997); R. F. Kennedy, Thirteen Days (1969, repr. 1971); A. Chayes, The Cuban Missile Crisis (1974); R. Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis (1989); A. Fursenko and T. Naftali, One Hell of a Gamble (1997); M. Frankel, High Noon in the Cold War (2004); M. Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight (2008); S. M. Stern, The Cuban Missile Crisis in American Memory (2012). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved . See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Treating Metabolic Syndrome using a Mediterranean Diet and High Intensity Interval Exercise - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1633 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Diet Essay Did you like this example? With the constant demands of everyday life, people are finding it more difficult to obtain a healthy body weight (Richard et al. 2012). There seems to be a viscous cycle of being overweight, not having enough time to stick to an extensive exercise schedule, and not eating correctly which feeds back into being overweight. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Treating Metabolic Syndrome using a Mediterranean Diet and High Intensity Interval Exercise" essay for you Create order This lifestyle may lead to dysfunction and ultimately health problems like metabolic syndrome. Some people may even have genetic predisposures to metabolic syndrome in their DNA (Chrysohoou et al. 2004). Metabolic syndrome is a condition that is categorized by high rates of adiposity, heart problems, and high blood pressure (Dunn et al. 2014). In addition, those suffering from metabolic syndrome also experience pro-inflammatory levels of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) leading to an insulin resistance in the body (Pitsavos et al. 2007). IL-6 is an inflammatory marker that is characterized by chronic low-grade systemic inflammation which is linked to metabolic syndrome (Cullen et al. 2016). It is made primarily by lymphocytes and causes antibodies to take action. However, IL-6 is elevated during exercise and even during an illness, so it often believed that exercise can be dangerous because inflammation occurs. During an illness, the body is trying to fight off the bacteria; therefore, the immune cells create pro-inflammatory levels. Similarly, the body becomes inflamed during exercise; however, the more exercise that occurs, the more the body will get used to the inflammation which results in anti-inflammatory levels. This is beneficial because anti-inflammatory levels combat the occurrence of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Individuals with metabolic syndrome may find a regular exercise schedule, also termed â€Å"Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training†, to be unappealing, impossible, and ultimately not effective (Van Biljon et al. 2018). However, the research behind High Intensity Interval Exercise (HIIE) suggests this is a far more effective plan of action (Lahoz et al. 2018). HIIE involves high levels of activity performed in alternating short bursts and rest periods. One recent study concluded that over half of the eleven participants saw a reduction in capillary glycaemia, a heart health issue, after performing HIIE (Viana et al. 2018). Using this method, individuals with metabolic syndrome experienced weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and anti-inflammatory IL-6 levels (Cullen et al. 2016). Therefore, HIIE can help reduce metabolic syndrome from the exercise side of life, but what about the unhealthy eating side of the issue? There are many different diet trends and most are ineffective or yield only temporary results (Ajith et al. 2018). If someone is looking for reducing the risk of metabolic syndrome, the best diet to choose is the Mediterranean diet (Vitale et al. 2018). The Mediterranean diet is recommended in those with metabolic syndrome and even type 2 diabetes due to its high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, and fiber (Estruch et al. 2016). There was a recent study conducted in Spain in which over 7,000 individuals who were at risk for cardiovascular disease adopted either a Mediterranean diet or a simple reduced-fat diet. The researchers concluded that those who adhered to the Mediterranean diet showed a much lower risk of heart disease than those who ate reduced-fat only (Spence et al. 2018). In summation, studies illustrated the roles IL-6 have on metabolic syndrome, as well as those that demonstrate how metabolic syndrome can be counteracted by Mediterranean dieting and HIIE, respectively. The purpose of this current study is to determine whether or not HIIE and a Mediterranean diet would decrease the risk of Metabolic Syndrome. It was hypothesized that IL-6 levels would be reduced following this alternative intervention for metabolic health. Approval for this study was granted by the University of New South Wales Research Ethics Committee and the University of La Verne released approval for the data to be used. Data was gathered from a study performed in New South Whales, Australia in 2014 by a team of researchers that categorized the effects of HIIE and Mediterranean dieting on numerous metabolic syndrome markers including IL-6 levels (Dunn et al. 2014). Thirty-four women between the ages of 18 and 25 volunteered to participate in the study. The participants were divided into two groups; a control group of 17 women who did not change their dietary or exercise habits, and an experimental group of 17 who adhered to a Mediterranean diet and HIIE for the duration of the study. Twenty-four hours prior to testing, all participants were instructed to refrain from consuming caffeine and performing any vigorous activity. They were also asked to fast 12 hours prior. The women kept a food diary for 3 days/week pre- and post- intervention to track their meals and Mediterranean eating. The dietary intake was analyzed using dietary analysis software (Foodworks, Australia). A Mediterranean diet score was used to provide information on a scale from 0 (least adherent) to 9 (most adherent). Their scores were based off median values calculated from mean scores. As for exercise training, supervised women were given a 5-minute warm-up and cool down and sprinted on a stationary bike for 8 seconds followed by a 12 second rest period known as LifeSprints. They repeated this for 20 minutes, 3 times a week, for 12 weeks at 80%-85% of each women’s peak heart rate. Baseline and post-test readings were taken for a variety of factors including body composition and blood pressure. The IL-6 levels of each participant were quantified using enzyme-linked assay kits (ELISA), which was determined by dual wavelength absorbance measurement. (Dunn et al. 2014). Finally, all data underwent statistical analysis using the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Science for Windows software (SPSS, version 25). An independent t-test was completed to assess any significant differences between the two groups pre- and post-testing. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not HIIE and a Mediter ranean Diet would lower the risk of metabolic syndrome through a reduction in IL-6 levels. The hypothesis was that HIIE and a Mediterranean diet would in fact lower IL-6 levels, thus lowering the risk of metabolic syndrome. Thirty-four women volunteered to participate in this study. Demographics about the women are shown in Table 1. The experimental group of 17 women were given a diet to follow and a HIIE program to complete for 12 weeks, while the control group was asked to not change any of their diet or exercise habits. Both groups were tested pre- and post-intervention to determine the differences. An Independent T-test on SPSS was performed between the control and experimental group to assess their pre- and post-intervention IL-6 measurements for significance. For the experimental group, IL-6 levels decreased significantly by 32% [difference/pre IL-6=% change (Table 2)]. A two-tailed independent sample t-test showed there was a significant difference in pre- and post-tests between treatment and control group [t(34) = 2.61, p = 0.014], such that the treatment group showed greater improvement than the control group. Overall, the data collected from this experiment supports the notion that HIIE paired with a Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on IL-6 levels in the body. Between the control and experimental group, pre- and post-study, IL-6 measurements were statistically compared. For the experimental group, IL-6 levels decreased significantly by approximately 32%. However, the control group’s IL-6 levels only decreased by about 3% due to the fact that they were instructed to not change their diet and exercise habits. Collectively, the experimental group showed greater improvement than the control group for this study, supporting the hypothesis that HIIE paired with a Mediterranean diet has a positive effect on metabolic syndrome, specifical ly IL-6 levels in the body. Previous studies on HIIE have proven results for weight loss. Using this method, individuals with metabolic syndrome experienced weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and anti-inflammatory IL-6 levels (Cullen et al. 2016). In addition to HIIE, dietary improvements can also aid in the pursuit to reduce metabolic syndrome. Overall, the best dietary intervention is the Mediterranean diet (Vitale et al. 2018). The Mediterranean diet is recommended in those with metabolic syndrome and even type 2 diabetes due to its high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3, and fiber (Estruch et al. 2016). The limitations of this study include geographic and demographic specificities. The sample population for the study included only university women between 18 and 25 years of age living in New South Wales. Metabolic syndrome can be found in other countries such as the United States; however, this study cannot be fully related to America because the lifestyles may va ry to some degree that cannot be predicted with this data alone. Similarly, men can also experience metabolic syndrome as well as women, but that group is not included in this study either. To gain the full scope of knowledge regarding metabolic syndrome, similar research would have to be conducted at least in all developed countries. Various age groups would need to be observed and all genders would need to participate as well. Such a study would take many researchers years and much funding to gather the data alone. Therefore, while that is the best theoretical path to take, it is not ideal. Instead, the research might be expanded upon one or two more groups to get a better grasp of how well the treatment works. Perhaps additional information could be gathered on men of the same age or women of more varied ages.Extreme IL-6 levels in the body indicate an individual who may be suffering from metabolic syndrome (Cullen et al. 2016). During exercise, these levels are known to be reduced. The most efficient exercise method to reduce such levels was found to be HIIE training. Risks of metabolic syndrome can also be reduced through diet. The Mediterranean diet has showed to yield great results for this. When the two methods were utilized together in this study, it was found to be extremely beneficial. IL-6 levels decreased significantly by approximately 32% when compared to the control group. Overall, this study shows that both HIIE and Mediterranean diet should be used simultaneously in order for individuals to get the best results of lowered IL-6 and decreased risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Moving Role of Buddhism in the United States - 1184 Words
For more than a hundred of years, Buddhism has played a moving role in the United States. At first, the teachings of Buddhism were quietly practiced among Chinese and Japanese immigrants on the west coast, but it quickly became a thriving religion in the United States performed by millions. These ambitious supporters have produced millions of books, magazines, television shows, and even movies. Different volumes on â€Å"The Art of Zen†are shelved in bookstores, [. The] the Dalai Lama has been characterized in Hollywood movies, and [the] civilian’s new fascination in Buddhist [Buddhism] has published in the NY Times magazine. [New Paragraph] This religion originally [, which originated] from India [,] has appeared in social movements, and sports across the country, [.] and Buddhist studies are taught in universities from Portland, Maine to Honolulu, Hawaii. This American version of Buddhism has been adapted and publicized for the wrong reasons by millions of Americans. Instead of focusing on the religion and its teachings, Americans have patented its spiritual essence. Fashion industries have printed the famous elephant, one of Buddha Shakyamuni’s previous incarnations, [and] rock bands are named after the Buddhism term Nirvana, [. There are also] and nightclub bars are named ‘Buddha’. However, there are small instances when Buddhism is used correctly. One type of Buddhism has been majorly focused on. This type is called Zen Buddhism. The instance in which Buddhism is usedShow MoreRelatedThe Cultural Aspects Of Culture995 Words  | 4 Pagesoriginate when people that live close get together share their belief systems and can distinguish right from wrong. When a religion is created the cultural rules get included in the religious rules. For example, in Buddhism, nuns have way more rules that have to be followed than the priests. Buddhism is native to India, and women in India are ruled and taken care of by the men. 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Emma is often said to be about the “education†of its central character Free Essays
Jane Austen introduces us, the reader to a certain aspect of Emma’s character right as the start, she says Emma, â€Å"seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence.†The word â€Å"seemed†shows us that Emma has some lessons to learn. Not lessons in the sense of schooling, but how she develops and matures. We will write a custom essay sample on Emma is often said to be about the â€Å"education†of its central character or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the novel, Emma goes through many changes in her personality. I think she is growing up, helped along by a chain of events which change her outlook on life, and on people. Almost every character in the novel helps Emma on her way along the path to becoming an adult rather than a spoilt child. However, I think the only person in the novel who takes Emma seriously is Mr. Knightly. Though she defies him on many occasions, she has a â€Å"sort of habitual respect for his judgment†and her willingness to be guided by good principles helps her to change. Life for women at the time of Emma’s existence was very different to life as we know it today. For a woman then, education was about how to become a good wife and mother. There were no career women. The only careers a woman could have were in the governess or servants trade. Moral fibres were needed to be a lady. Emma has these moral fibres, but she was lacking experience. Not until she learns self awareness and social awareness will she be a good wife. Emma thinks she will not marry and therefore has no need to change, but Jane Austen has other plans for her, and does not have her fall in love until she has changed into a lady. Although Emma knows she is the first lady of Highbury, she knows she is not as well accomplished and Jane Fairfax. This is where some of her jealousy for her comes from and why they are not good friends. When Emma rides home in the carriage in tears after Mr. Knightley’s telling off at Box Hill, she decides to act more rationally from that point onwards. This is a significant point in the novel as it is the first time Emma cries, so the first time the reader knows Emma is hurt. She acknowledges that â€Å"With common sense, I am afraid I have had little to do†. It marks a point in her moral education, and now that she has become aware of her â€Å"insufferable vanity†and â€Å"unpardonable arrogance†, she can judge rightly. I think Jane Austen wants the reader to appreciate her honesty about herself, and her willingness to change. Like Mr. Knightley, â€Å"his eyes received the truth from her’s, and all that had passed of good in her feelings were at once caught and honoured,†the reader takes her attempts to make amends with Miss Bates and Jane sincerely, for they are met with none of the self congratulation and complacency that were typical characteristics of Emma before her transformation. Though the reader may have felt that Emma was being a snob and lacking in care when she made the cruel remark, the reader also feels that she shows genuine regret for her sins. Mr. Knightley is also put off by Emma’s inappropriate behaviour with Frank Churchill at Box Hill. Here Emma and Frank â€Å"flirted excessively†, breaking social convention, and because Mr. Knightley takes Emma seriously he believes that she is in love with Frank. Emma’s cruel remark to Miss Bates, prompted by the high spirits of Frank, brings out a strong reaction from Mr. Knightley, who tells her off for this because Miss Bates is poor and has less social status. This shows his strong sense of duty and good judgment. Miss Bates also, at this point, takes Emma seriously, but has the generosity and openness to forgive her. Though at the time, Emma says it was done in jest, she later feels Mr. Knightley’s words â€Å"at heart†, and responds by visiting Miss Bates the next day to make up for her cruelty. The language used in the chapter is used to make Emma feel like a sinner, and she has never felt so bad. Emma’s encouragement of a romance between Mr. Elton and Harriet nearly wrecks the prospective marriage between Harriet and Mr. Martin, the match which is socially right. The unfortunate illegitimacy of Harriet encourages Emma’s imagination about Harriet being the daughter of a gentleman, because she is beautiful. Mr. Knightley, like the narrator, knows â€Å"Harriet is the â€Å"natural daughter of Somebody†, and lucky that Mr. Martin does not object to this.†When Emma is happy that Harriet finds a match in Mr. Martin at the end the reader knows this happiness to be genuine: for Emma’s plots have almost prevented this from occurring. This is another event that makes Emma realize that she cannot control the events of everyone and everything. It makes her think about her actions, however, on more than one occasion, her matchmaking goes wrong and she swears not to do it again, but does. When Mr. Elton tells Emma he loves her, her first thoughts are of Harriet, but then of herself, and she feels rather offended. Having slept on it, she feels better, having learnt only half her lesson. By the end of the chapter she is considering match making again. This shows she needed some lessons teaching more than once. After her mistakes, Emma realizes them and she displays an honesty which unites her to Mr. Knightley. The consequences of her absurdities, snobberies and misdirected mischievous ingenuities as well as her habit of self examination (seen after each of her mistakes) and Mr. Knightley giving her his good judgment, are what prompts Emma to â€Å"experience a moral rebirth, under the impetus of self knowledge. Mr. Knightley as the ‘moral yardstick’ of the novel is the standard by which Emma and the reader evaluate other characters in the novel,†and because Mr. Knightley takes Emma seriously, the reader too comes to have a concern for Emma’s moral development and education, and so take her seriously as the novel progresses. Though sometimes put off by her snobbery and vanity, these are the qualities of Emma which are reformed when the events that take place force her to face the truth about herself. These are also the very qualities which make her such an intere sting character. The eponymous heroine is â€Å"handsome, clever, and rich†but she is also arrogant and suffers from self deception. With the judgment of Mr. Knightley, and her own self scrutiny, Emma experiences a movement of psyche, from arrogance and vanity through the humiliation of self knowledge to clarity of judgment and ability to be a good wife. As the novel progresses, the reader comes to take her seriously, because of the nature of the issues addressed in the novel, and while at times we may be put off by her snobbery, Jane Austen has written in such a way so as to make us feel sorry for her. â€Å"Emma is a character neither so good as to be uninteresting, nor so wholly cruel as to forfeit our sympathy.†By presenting things from Emma’s point of view for the most part of the novel, the reader gets an insight into her inner thoughts and unexpressed feelings. Despite Jane Austen declaring that she would create a heroine â€Å"whom no one but myself should much like†, the reader does like Emma by the end, and appreciate her ability to change for the better. There is a clear difference between Emma’s character at the beginning and at the end of the novel. The main lessons Emma learns, and that are clear to the reader from the outset, are that she is like everyone else in the sense that she needs love, and companionship, to be found in marriage, and that Mr. Knightley is always right. He is her morality and keeps her on the right track. How to cite Emma is often said to be about the â€Å"education†of its central character, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
International Relations as Natural and Social Science
Introduction/Thesis statement Nowadays, it became a common practice among many political scientists to suggest that, since the observable emanations of international relations in today’s world do seem to have acquired a number of qualitatively new subtleties, the application of a positivist methodology in IR can no longer be considered appropriate.1 This suggestion, however, cannot be referred to as such that represents an undeniable truth-value.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Relations as Natural and Social Science specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is because, even though that, during the course of recent decades, the operational principles of IR did undergo a rather drastic transformation, the innermost essence of how different countries relate to each other on the arena of international politics remains thoroughly ‘functional’. This, of course, implies that IR-related sub ject matters can be best addressed within the conceptual framework of a specifically positivist methodology, which in turn suggests that IR may indeed be studied as a natural science. I will aim to explore the validity of this thesis at length. Analytical part The methodological principles of natural sciences are based upon the empirically tested assumption that there are a number of objectively existing impersonal laws, which define the essence of a surrounding reality. In its turn, this makes it possible to predict the vector of a researched phenomena’s spatial development. For example, we are well aware of the fact that, after having been thrown high into the air, any physical object will necessarily fall down back on earth – the law of gravity will cause it to do so. This is exactly the reason why physics is considered a ‘hard science’, for example – physical laws are thoroughly objective. Even though IR cannot be considered a ‘hard scienc e’, in the full sense of this word, there are many good reasons to consider IR’s discursive conventions as such that fit well within the methodological framework of biology (another ‘hard science’) and physics. This points out to the fact that IR can indeed be considered a subject of a positivist scientific inquiry. For example, even though that traditionalists and post-positivists suggest that, there is too much complexity to the subject of international relations (in order for its integral components to be disassembled for the purpose of positivist testing); this point of view does not stand much ground.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because, once we apply a naturalistic approach for assessing the actual significance of IR-related conventions, the earlier mentioned ‘complexity’ will simply evaporate. After all, just abo ut all the aspects of how countries coexist/compete on the arena of international politics can be well discussed within the context of what positivists consider the foremost purposes of every state’s existence: Economic/geopolitical expansion, Protection of internal stability, Impairment of the internal stability of competing/neighboring countries.2 In their turn, the earlier mentioned purposes of states’ existence reflect the scientifically proven fact that, biologically speaking, the representatives of Homo Sapiens species are nothing but primates, whose foremost existential pursuits are being concerned with reproduction and with trying to impose their dominance upon others. What it means is that national states can be well conceptualized as culturally/scientifically advanced and geographically bounded packs of apes that remain in the state of a continual competition for natural resources. The validity of this statement can be well explored in regards to the actual consequences of 2011 Arab revolutions. Even though that Western mainstream Medias never ceased referring to the downfalls of secular regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, as such that have been predetermined by the citizens’ strive towards ‘democracy’, it now became clear to just about anyone that the ‘Arab spring’s’ actual cause had to do with the America’s decision to take control of natural resources in the area – pure and simple. The same can be said about the actual cause of the ongoing civil war in Syria.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Relations as Natural and Social Science specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The significance of IR’s subject matters can also be assessed within the methodological framework of physics. The reason for this is quite apparent – given the fact that human societies are essentially material (they cons ist of psychically-bodied individuals), the qualitative dynamics within just about any society do reflect the effects of people’s exposure to physical laws. After all, every human society (country) can be well conceptualized in terms of an open thermo-dynamic system. The continuous functioning of such a system can only be ensured for as long as the extent of its inner complexity remains higher than the complexity of a surrounding environment.3 When the extent of environment’s complexity is being higher, it becomes only the matter of time before this system ‘dissolves’ in it. In its turn, this explains why, as of today, Western countries suffer from the inflow of illegal immigrants, while being slowly ‘dissolved’ in the surrounding Third World. Conclusion I believe that the earlier deployed line of argumentation, in defense of the suggestion that IR can indeed be studied as a natural science, is being thoroughly consistent with the paperâ€℠¢s initial thesis. Apparently, only the application of a positivist approach to dealing with IR-related subject matters can help us to gain an in-depth insight into the dialectically predetermined essence of a particular IR’s phenomenon in question. This is exactly the reason why, even though traditional and post-positivist elaborations on IR do sound pretentiously sophisticate, they rarely account for any practical value. Bibliography: Ashby, William. Introduction to Cybernetics. London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1964. Emerson, Niou Ordeshook, Peter, â€Å"A Theory of the Balance of Power in International Systems.†Journal of Conflict Resolution 30, no. 4 (1986): 685-715.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lapid, Yosef, â€Å"The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era.†International Studies Quarterly 33, no. 3 (1989): 235-254. Footnotes 1 Yosef Lapid. â€Å"The Third Debate: On the Prospects of International Theory in a Post-Positivist Era.†International Studies Quarterly 33, no. 3 (1989): 239. 2 Niou Emerson Peter Ordeshook. â€Å"A Theory of the Balance of Power in International Systems.†Journal of Conflict Resolution 30, no. 4 (1986): 687. 3 William Ashby, Introduction to Cybernetics (London: Routledge Kegan Paul, 1964), 75. This essay on International Relations as Natural and Social Science was written and submitted by user Sara L. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Essay on Disney Scoping
Essay on Disney Scoping Essay on Disney Scoping Emina Hublic In order for the expansion of Disney to be successful, there are several workplace laws that must be fulfilled. The decisions within the Disney expansion and the actions within the legal system, contain evident consequences. For this reason, gaining an understanding of the rights and responsibilities, and of how the legal system functions, is the paramount of importance when it comes to making the right decisions when necessary. Occupational health and safety is said to be a disciplinary area that is a fundamental principle in which Disney must consider. This allows for the expansion of Disney to foster a safe and healthy working environment for the people. Upon expanding the company, there are responsibilities that they must ensure do not create health and safety problems for employers, employees and the general public. The Walt Disney company states 'The company aims to minimise risks and associated costs by providing professional technical services that foster the safest environment possible' (Safety and Security). The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Work Place by the Government of India (International Labour Organization), is a law that is reviewed every five years. This law must be taken into consideration for the Goa expansion. By acknowledging and understanding the Workplace Health and safety laws, it will assist the company in avoiding further costs regarding damage, due to injur y and illness, thus allowing them to provide a strong foundation in order to achieve long-term success. If these laws are not followed, the indirect costs will intensify in damages, recruitment, as well as inefficiency. When expanding Disney, key elements can be practiced. For instance investigating and resolving complaints made by the public and employees, ensuring that suitable records are kept regarding health hazards and accidents, as well as promoting health and safety programs in order to gather information regarding existing potential hazards. Upon electing Goa as a desired destination, Government played a significant role in determining whether or not this destination was suitable. The trends within Goa have ruptured dramatically. The frequent changes within the Goan government has grown drastically (Rohit Joshi, 2014) resulting in political instability, thus causing legal issues. The result of these regular changes can cause great difficulty with the need of policies going through governmental process, meaning the government could be overall less effective in the assistance of a successful Disney. In order to expand, there is a primary focus placed upon infrastructure. This requires a sustained effort of the sort that can be best provided by a stable government. The inability to also provide a good climate for change causes several ramifications. Investing in Disney provides an immense amount of risks due to the possibility of failure, causing chaos as well as destroying potential investments. The law cannot be constantl y changing. This does not mean that the law should not change- it should change in accordance to the wants and needs of society (Ouliaris, J 2010) and must be sufficiently flexible for the expansion of Disney. Encouraging ethical behaviour is a major leading factor to the success of
Monday, March 2, 2020
Definition and Examples of Enumeratio in Rhetoric
Definition and Examples of Enumeratio in Rhetoric Enumeratio is a rhetorical term for the listing of details- a type of amplification and division. Also called enumeration or dinumeratio. In A History of Renaissance Rhetoric 1380-1620 (2011), Peter Mack defines enumeratio as a form of argumentation, in which all the possibilities are set out and all but one are eliminated. In classical rhetoric, enumeratio was considered part of the arrangement (dispositio) of a speech and was often included in the peroration (or closing part of an argument). Etymology From the Latin, counting up Examples and Observations Enumeratio in Speeches[W]hen we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of Gods children, black men, and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!Enumeratio and Division[E]numeratio . . . partitions a subject into its adjuncts or features. If numbering of the parts is added to the division, labeling a first, second, and third item in a series, the figure is eutrepismus (Joseph 1947, 11-114). Division as an argumentative strategy . . . can be stretched across paragraphs or pages, but to be stylistically visible or figured, any of these divisions must produce either a list of words or phrases in a single sentence constituent or contiguous predictions in a short stretch of text.Enumeratio in an Essay by Jonathan Swift[A]mong such as deal in multitudes of words, none are comparable to the sober deliberate talker, who proceedeth with much thought and caution, maketh his preface, brancheth out into several digressions, findeth a hint that putteth him in mind of another story, which he promiseth to tell you when this is done; cometh back regularly to his subject, cannot readily call to mind some persons name, holding his head, complaineth of his memory; the whole company all this while in suspense; at length says, it is no matter, and so goes on. And, to crown the business, it perhaps proveth at last a story the company hath heard fifty times before; or, at best, some insipid adventure of the relater. Negative EnumerationHe believed he was a newspaper reporter, yet read no paper except The Mockingburg Record, and so managed to ignore terrorism, climatological change, collapsing governments, chemical spills, plagues, recession and failing banks, floating debris, the disintegrating ozone layer. Volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes, religious frauds, defective vehicles and scientific charlatans, mass murderers and serial killers, tidal waves of cancer, AIDS, deforestation, and exploding aircraft were as remote to him as braid catches, canions and rosette-embroidered garters. Scientific journals spewed reports of mutant viruses, of machines pumping life through the near-dead, of the discovery that the galaxies were streaming apocalyptically toward an invisible Great Attractor like flies into a vacuum cleaner nozzle. That was the stuff of others lives. He was waiting for his to begin. Pronunciation e-nu-me-RA-ti-o Sources Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 1963Jeanne Fahnestock, Rhetorical Figures in Science. Oxford University Press, 1999Jonathan Swift, Hints Toward an Essay on Conversation, 1713E. Annie Proulx, The Shipping News. Simon Schuster, 1993)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Artificial lung Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Artificial lung - Research Paper Example The respiratory system is a complex yet beautiful system to behold. The breathing that the body does cannot take place without the respiratory system. This system consists of the nose, throat, voice box, wind pipe and the lungs. â€Å"We live because we breathe. Inhaled breath brings life sustaining oxygen into our body. Oxygen is the fuel that makes our body function. Every minute we breathe in about 13 pints of air. Our lungs are essentially 2500 km of airways, through which oxygen is delivered to all parts of the body from the lungs, and carbon dioxide exhaled from the lungs is sent out into the atmosphere†(Colon, San Miguel and Zayas, 2004). â€Å"With this in mind, the scientists have developed devices that can help or replace the natural lung. These devices help our respiratory system during an operation or afterwards, but can only be used for a recuperation time†(Colon, San Miguel and Zayas, 2004). â€Å"People who need a lung-transplant can only wait and hope that a donor organ will materialize in time. But all too often, time runs out. In response to the United States' critical shortage of donor organs, researchers have been racing to develop artificial organs that would serve as a "bridge" to transplantation. One such device is the Bio Lung, which may be tested in people soon†(Downs, 2011). This device is called, the artificial lung. The only purpose of the artificial lung is to make sure that the blood has oxygen. This device is not the same as the heart-lung machine, because this one is placed inside the body and it is supposed to replace the work of the natural lungs for a long duration of time. In contrast, the heart-lung machine is outside the body and it is used for short periods, only when needed. According to Marcus (2008), â€Å"Early artificial-breathing devices include the tank respirator, or "iron lung," introduced in the late 1920s and known for its role in treating polio victims. Current treatment for lung failur e is to hook patients up to an artificial respirator. It is costly, immobile and requires intubation, a process that can cause infection, says John Conte, a heart-and-lung transplant surgeon and associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. ‘You don't want to take a patient who's been flat on his back, with poor muscles and infection at the IV site, and do a transplant. That's a recipe for disaster.’ Artificial lungs are small and portable, however, and are designed to allow patients to remain mobile and therefore stronger for surgery.†How the Artificial Lung Works With lungs that are healthy, the vessels that carry blood take in the oxygen that has been pumped from the heart, and after that, they let go of carbon dioxide by breathing out. â€Å"The idea was to develop a new way to study the lung that would be useful in drug development and might serve as a replacement for animal studies. The device, about the size of a pea, mimics the func tion of air sacs called alveoli, which transfer oxygen through a thin membrane from the lung to the blood. The device has three parts -- lung cells, a permeable membrane and tiny blood vessel or capillary cells†(Steenhuysen, 2010). According to Downs (2011), â€Å"The system now used in hospitals is known as ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ECMO machines take over the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Systems Approach To Information Systems Change Essay
Systems Approach To Information Systems Change - Essay Example These transformations were not predictable at the setup, nor did they plainly emerge spontaneously in functioning by means of the novel expertise.This change procedure for Zeta system around the groupware information system technology sustained in the course of the subsequent year at Zeta while a number of predictable managerial transformations were chased through together developing as well as opportunity-based transforms connected by means of recounting proceedings as well as the knowledge and understanding expanded through employing the novel technology in carrying out.Now I will present the short self-reflection on what knowledge we need to develop, in order to improve as a management practitioner when undertaking information systems change. For this task, we require establishing a comprehensive research for the overall assessment of the information systems change and its effective management. In this scenario, we assess the main needs for old system and potential facilities that we require for the effective working and operations. In this way, we will effectively get the main needs regarding the system and its working structure. This research has presented a detailed analysis of the information system change management and handling. I have outlined the main areas that we need to transform for the effective services and business performance. This research has outlined the systems approach to information systems change. This research will be helpful regarding the system change assessment and implementation.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay on Women in the Plays of William Shakespeare -- Biography Biogra
Women in the Plays of Shakespeare      By paying close attention to the woman's part in Shakespeare's plays, we can see his works with a new perspective. But we must remember that we are examining a male dramatist of extraordinary range writing in a remote period when women's position was in obvious ways more restricted and less disputed than in our own period. Sandra Gilbert writes in The Madwoman in the Attic that literature is defined as a mirror held up to society and nature, "the mimetic aesthetic that begins with Aristotle and descends through Shakespeare implies that the poet, like a lesser God, has made or engendered an alternative, mirror-universe in which he actually seems to enclose or trap shadows of reality" (Madwoman 5). While some artists do not necessarily duplicate in their art the "realities" of their culture, they may exploit them to create character or intensify conflict, or struggle with, criticize, or transcend them. Shakespeare, it would seem, "encompasses more and preaches less tha n most authors, hence the centuries-old controversy over his religious affiliation, political views, and sexual preferences" (Lenz 4). His attitude toward women are equally complex and demand as much examination.   As we begin to study the female characters, we must overlook the male superiority that patriarchal misogyny implies in the literature of his era, as evidenced in many studies. In "Shakespeare: on Love and Lust", Charney explains the stance taken by critics such as Janet Adelman in "Suffocating Mothers: Fantasies of Maternal Origin in Shakespeare's Plays, Hamlet to The Tempest", and Kahn's "Man's Estate: Masculine Identity in Shakespeare". He claims that these two authors, as many others do, view Sh... ... mother, wife, nor England's queen" The Roles of Women in Richard III". The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Galye Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Park, Clara Claiborne. "As We Like It: How a Girl Can Be Smart and Still Popular." The Woman's Part: Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed. Carolyn Ruth Swift Lenz, Gayle Greene, and Carol Thomas Neely. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1980. Schoenbaum, S. "The Life of Shakespeare." The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies. Ed Stanley Wells. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Woolf, Virginia. A Room of One's Own. The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women. Sandra Gilbert. New York: Norton and Company, 1996.    Â
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Positive and Negative Sides to Religion
Positive and Negative sides to religion All religions have one goal for society which is to unite them with a divine reality. People desire this type of reality that exists in all organized religions. Eastern and Western religions all share another commonality which are rituals, prayers, stories about a divine being and symbols. Organized religions have varied attributes. Though the goal is common the structure and rules vary from religion to religion. Organized religion has a positive effect on most people because of the structure and consistency.It gives a meaningful purpose to everyday life. People who pray are healthier, less apt to do drugs, or even smoke cigarettes (Fisher, 2005). The power of prayer also helps lower blood pressure, promotes healing, and maintains health in the individuals who pray on a daily basis Medical researchers have done studies on the power of prayer and healing with heart patients. They found those who prayed on a daily had a shorter healing time than those who chose not to pray.There is a negative side to organized religion. Certain groups that have misconstrued the truth about what religion is and use that to manipulate others into thinking their way. By using charisma to brainwash others into thinking that their version of religion is the only way promotes violence against others. Fundamentalists use the outside of the religion to promote their beliefs. The religion of Islam teaches their followers to promote peaceful existence; there are extremists that teach violence and oppression.Even in Christianity also has fundamentalists and extremists that start cults and brainwash others into believing that their way is the only way. This manipulation and oppression is justified because of the charisma that the heretics use. People who are lost in life, that they do not belong anywhere in society are targets because of their vulnerability by these so-called religious leaders. The example that comes to mind is the Jim Jones incident i n Johannesburg South Africa. Jim Jones was a charismatic man whom had followers that brainwashed and manipulated to believe he was Messiah.He convinced all his followers to drink poisoned Kool aid in the belief that they were the chosen ones and were going to heaven. Unfortunately, all those innocent people died because they just wanted to believe in a higher power. Not all charismatic religious leaders are manipulating. The late Reverend Billy Graham was a charismatic personality that empowered people to believe in God and good things will happen. He did not use the power of manipulation or oppression to obtain followers. He spoke the true word of God and used the positive aspects of religion to his segregation.Many charismatic religious leaders have made certain impacts in organized religion. The fundamentalists try to enforce the negative aspects of religion by using the outside meaning instead that, which is taught from the holy scripture. The holy scripture of each religion sho uld promote love, well being, and unity. When this is manipulated and the fundamentalists misuse what is originally intended causes not only harm to innocent people but society itself.Reference Fisher 2005 Chapter 1 pages 1-30
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Summary Of The Odd One Out - 1271 Words
Sarthak Chawla Nathanial Hodes Composition 16th September The Odd One Out On the most famous street in Boston, Newbury, there lays two architectural opposites just across from one another. The Church of the Covenants a great historical church built in a gothic architectural style where you would see historians, tour guides or school field trips and a Victoria Secret store that covers an entire block and is build on the bases of modern architecture where friends and family would go shopping or for a day out. Why would there be such ancient architecture at a modern vibrant shopping district such a Newbury? The Church of the Covenants was built in 1867 and the decision to surround such a historic artifact with a shopping district was done purposefully. The Church when seen seems very out of place in a street such as Newbury, however, the two polar opposite architectural masterpieces reflect the diversity of Newbury Street, and as to why it is referred to the time square of Boston. The different architecture invites different types of people to such a vibrant street making it not only a tourist attraction but also a street where people from all different demographics come. The presence of the Convent Church cannot be ignored by anyone when they walk on Newbury Street. I found it to be very interesting how nothing near the church was taller than it. The architecture of the street made it so that the all the surrounding shops will be lower and if you looked up you would onlyShow MoreRelatedIntroduction To Research1288 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional healthcare, and have the ability to comprehend English. All ages will be accepted. The researcher will not be able to control who participates, but will ask for both sit-stand and sitting only computer workstation users in the email sent out. IRB Approval With committee chair approval, the researcher will disseminate the proposal to the remainder of the committee for review. 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