Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Comparison Of Gramsci And Antonio Theory Essay - 954 Words
COMPARISON OF GRAMSCI AND ANTONIO THEORY Introduction Theories critically have roots attached to economic, cultural, social and political pillars.Fredrich and Antonio both have different opinions on this factors supported by personal point of views. Gramsci’s hegemony notion has great influence on human fields and rich in relation and involves complexity in theorization. However the two have slightly different explanation of these fields. The different opinions of Gramsci and Fredrich are as discussed below: Overview of the two theorists’ idea Italian, Antonio Gramsci developed ideas from the society pertaining issues concerning members. Gramsci had unfavorable childhood concerning economic and social status. In 20th centuary, He was affected together with his family by bureaucracy. He handed his life to short existence after punishment and jailed almost his entire life because of his thoughts. Gramsci employed most ideas from Marx. Marx believed in economic determination. Everything is influenced with capital, the income of money matters how one will relate with others in the community. Men find themselves hooked in the independence from their will and determined to earn theirs. Most ideas are formulated from the class struggle. These are the people under working class and understand the dynamic status of the society. Working class people try to change the industrial and politicalsituation from the latter through revolution. Marx divides the community into two groups theShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx s Theory Of Hegemony Theory Essay1518 Words  | 7 Pagescontext for democratic government, the recovery of nineteenth century democratic theory promises a richer understanding of the role of citizens and an understanding of the relationship between democracy and freedom as human development†(Niemi, 2010, p. 41). 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Studying Abroad And Its Impact On Students - 1507 Words
According to an online article written by Kris Lovekin, University of California, Riverside Extension had started up a homestay program forty years ago. It started with a simple request from UCR Admissions. They tried to encourage UCR Extension to set up an English program for twenty students who came from King Faisal Medical University. And they did it. However, these international students needed more than just English, they needed families who would give them a chance to stay. Therefore, they set up a homestay program as well. As more international students choose to come to UCR, the homestay program has been trying to keep up with demand. Studying abroad is a significant and valuable period of anyone’s life. It contains a lot of interesting experiences, personal development, and self-improvement. It will have a profound impact on students because people from all over the world came at one place having different cultures and diverse school of thoughts to share. It will make them think differently when they talk to each other. Since the mid-20th century, the United States has been one of the top destinations of choice for students from all over the world. They would like to come to the United States to expand their horizon and to enrich their knowledge. During the period of studying abroad, most students would like to choose to live with a local family so that they are able to maximize their linguistic and cultural exposure to the local culture. They need someone who canShow MoreRelatedBenefits of Studying Abroad1262 Words  | 5 Pagesabout students studying abroad term length, students studying abroad personal growth, and student studying abroad career incomes. In the findings section of this paper I will discuss how these three charts relate to my research question. What are the benefits of students studying abroad? 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How will this study or intern abroad program and the coursework you take abroad impact your academic and futureRead MoreThe Importance Of A New Culture Enhance University Experience?1124 Words  | 5 Pages OUTLINE Introduction †¢ There are lots of people studying abroad. †¢ Different country’s university has different education system and academic backgrounds, student can gain different experiences during their overseas studying. †¢ Thesis statement: Studying abroad can improve student study skills and can broaden horizons I. Main Idea #1: Studying abroad which means students can contact with different culture that can rich students experience. A. Supporting points: †¢ Being in a differentRead MoreStudy Abroad Is Beneficial For All College Students Development1394 Words  | 6 Pagessignal to the reader how study abroad is beneficial to all college students development. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Management 497 Assignment Week 2 Free Essays
Audit Exercise Paper Two Student Name MGT/497 – Strategic Technology Planning for Organizations Professor Name January 16, 2012 Introduction This paper will refer to two audit exercises from Chapter three and Chapter four of the textbook. The first one will refer to demand for product, competitive response, level of novelty of the innovation, factor that could block the good outcome of an innovation, and other factors. The second audit exercise will involve the assimilation of a checklist for innovation with respect to the considered organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Management 497 Assignment Week 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now It will also determine the readiness of the organization to implement an innovation strategy. The company chosen for these audit exercises is Apple. Everyone has heard about this company and knows that the products of it are very important in our lives. According to Apple Inc. (2012), they mission statement says that they design Macs, the best personal computers in the world and they lead the digital music revolution with their iPods and iTunes online stores. The mission statement also says that the company has reinvented the mobile phone with their revolutionary iPhone and that they define the future of mobile media and computing devices with the iPad. The goal of this company is to make the best mobile product from their phone. Remember what Steve Jobs said when people asked him about the purpose of this company. He said that the company will try and offer with their mobile phone what the people need and not what they want. Audit Exercise Chapter 3 This audit exercise will address demand for the product or products of Apple, factors possible to block the success of an innovation, their standards, competitive response, the level of novelty of the innovation, as well as other factors. White and Bruton (2011) give the following factors to determine the value of an option: favorability of demand for products, factors to speed adoption, factors to block the success of an innovation, the chances of strong competitive response, the likelihood that the possible competitive advantages are sustained, factors inside the company that allow setting standards, the costs to commercialize, the resources available to commercialize, the level of novelty that is captured by the innovation, development costs, certain opportunities that could be advantageous, and possible areas where damage might occur. In dealing with all these factors, we will refer to the iPhone, the innovation that took Apple on its highest peaks of success. First we refer to the demand for this product. Ever since it was released to the public this product has been nothing but a success. The early prototype that went on sale in June, 2007 blew up the market. According to Vogelstein (2008), analyst were speculating that customers would snap up about three million units by the end of 2007, making from this phone, the fastest-selling smartphone in the history. It was the same story with the following generations of the smartphone and the demand was higher even though they had their first powerful competitor by the end of 2008 when Android came to life with they G1 smartphone. In order to speed up the adoption of this product the company needs to make sure that they keep their quality standards as they are now. Innovation could be blocked if Apple makes structural changes inside the company or if the key employees in this position want to leave the company. Apple has received a big hit when the heart of this company left us. Steve Jobs was the brain behind all the innovation at Apple and people will remember him a lot of years from now. Their direct competition is the Android operating systems with all the smartphone adopting it. Android is a powerful competitor which has gain a lot from the market of the smartphone and as it currently is, Google’s Android has a higher portion of the market in this area compared to Apple. To sustain a competitive advantage, Apple needs to keep innovate and offer quality to their dedicated customers. When it comes to costs of commercialization, the company does well enough because the prices of producing the product are small compared to the prices at which the product is sold in the market. It seems that Google with their Android OS is a little in front of Apple with respect to technological advancement; this is why Apple need to direct some of their costs to research and development to keep up or become better than their competitor. They could leverage opportunities by being able to maintain their devoted customers and offer to them discounts or special promotions for the products. This would attract other potential customers. The potential damage may occur if Apple is not able to stay in the competition or cannot innovate; they are threatened if Google’s Android is advancing faster and faster because people like to stay in touch with the technology and would choose the best product in the market. Audit Exercise Chapter 4 This audit exercise from the end of chapter four requires analyzing a figure which contains a checklist for innovative organizations to consider. The questions at hand refer to ways of using the checklist in determining a company’s readiness to implement a strategy that would be innovative. It requires identifying at least a major area to be examined and addressing important considerations from this area. Figure 4. 7 is divided into four categories. It talks about vision, leadership, processes, and resources. We would refer to all of them in consideration to the company Apple. This time the chosen product will be the iPad. The same way Apple was ingenious by bringing the iPhone to the world, the same way was the story about the Ipad. It was the same brain behind this product as well. The iPad was the first tablet pc in the world. People have seen the concept only in science fiction movies and they were very thrilled when the product came out to the market. It had the same success, the same higher demand as the iPhone did. Now, referring to the vision category and to the first question which asks whether or not the team (or the company here) has a clearly articulated vision, mission, or set of objectives, it has to be noted that Apple has it all clear up, even though things have declined a bit when Steve Jobs died. However, all the employees in the company need to share the same vision so that they could put all their efforts in continuously creating the same quality products as they did so far. However, not everyone participated in creating the vision because this would be a tough thing to do. The vision came from Steve Jobs and it was shared progressively with all the important players from this company. The vision was to offer the people what they need most and not what they want. This is attainable; however, it is attainable with a higher price because the company needs to invest time and resources in research and development to spot the necessities of the client and to try to satisfy them. When it comes to leadership, Steve Jobs is the name that perfectly connects to this term. According to Miami University (2007) leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing by individuals with specific values and motives, various politic, economic, and other resources in an environment of conflict and competition, to be able to realize goals independently or mutually held by both the followers and the leaders. It may be a complex definition, but it has the power to point out all the important aspects of this discipline. The textbook asks: â€Å"Is excellence of central importance to the team? †The answer in the context of Apple is â€Å"yes†because they are reaching their purposes through excellence, hard work, and a lot of skill. All the employees in this company are committed to fulfill the same vision and the present leader Tim Cook has the purpose of taking forward the words of Steve Jobs and encourage open idea exchanges. The next category from the checklist for innovation strategy is about processes. At Apple probably not all the employees participate in decision making because this would not be appropriate. Imagine how would be to give a worker in assembly the power to make decisions about marketing strategies for the company. It would surely not be appropriate. However, all the employees are welcome to share their ideas and make recommendations to improve processes or products. They are even rewarded if their propositions are efficient. There is a climate of trust inside this company and it is mportant to maintain it because without good relationships, without communication, there will be conflicts, which lead to inefficiency and to lower productivity. When it comes to resources, Apple has a good way of managing them. Not only they try to make their quality products with a lower consumption of resources and money, but they have the possibility to charge more for their products in comparison with ot her companies in the same sectors. They are successful; however, this may not be the best strategy on the long-term. They should considering lowering a bit the prices; this would most likely increases their sales. Conclusion Apple is a market leader and it represents a business model to other companies. Its position offers the company the ability to innovate, invest extensively in research and try to be better than it self. The company has been around for a while now, so they know how to do business efficiently. However, recent competition has absorbed some of its market. This should not be seen as a bad thing in the company but as a motive, as a spark to make the company constantly innovate and make the world a better place with their products. References Apple Inc. (2012). Apple Corporate Information. Retrieved from http://investor. apple. com/faq. cfm? FaqSetID=6 Miami University (2007). What is Leadership? Retrieved from http://www. units. muohio. edu/saf/leadership/students/whatisleadership. html Vogelstein, F. (2008). The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry. Retrieved from http://www. wired. com/gadgets/wireless/magazine/16-02/ff_iphone? currentPage=all White, M. A, Bruton, G. D. (2011). The Management of Technology Innovation: A Strategic Approach (2nd Ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning. How to cite Management 497 Assignment Week 2, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Bristol-Myers Squibb Essay Michael ZouroudisCornerstone student in the College of Business AdministrationUniversity of Central FloridaOctober 15, 1999Table of ContentsSectionIntroduction/Executive Summary.3Background..4MarketingProduct/Service6Place/Distribution..7Promotion/Advertising.8Management /Human ResourcesTraining and Development9Compensation and Rewards.9Labor relations..10FinanceProfitability and Cash Flow.10Liquidity12Leverage/Capital Management.13Conclusion..13References..14Introduction and Executive SummaryThis document consists of an overall business review for the Pharmacuetical company Bristol-Myers Squibb. Although by no means a complete summary of their 1998 business dealings or stragety, it does give a nice overview of three of the most component and fundmentally sound aspects of any business, let alone a Fortune 500 business. This document starts by covering the Marketing aspect of Bristol-Myers Squibb. First covered is the most important structure of any company; its product. Inside is inf ormation on how they distribute their product, and where they distribute it to. Finally, we see how they promote their product, and which ways it is advertised. Management is the next topic of discussion. What style of management does Bristol-Myers Squibb conduct? The document talks about compensation given to their employees, and how the average employee is rewarded for acheving the unaverage level of excellence. Finally, the document focuses on Finance. It shows Bristol-Myers Squibb profits, it debts, how much money is invested in the company, and basically the direction that the Company is headed. Once again, this document is not nearly a complete breakdown of Bristol-Myers Squibbs 1998 business transactions. All this document is aiming for is to give an idea of the extreme complexity of the business world, understand(at least a little more) the strategy and competitiveness between companies, and maybe to enlighten a few on how much time and effort goes into such a giant of a company like this. Enjoy. HistoryBristol-MyersIn 1887 William McLaren Bristol and John Ripley Myers decided to sink $5,000 into a failing drug manufacturing firm called the Clinton Pharmaceutical Company, located in Clinton, New York. The company was officially incorporated on December 13, 1887, with William Bristol as president and John Myers as vice president. In May 1898 came a new name: Bristol, Myers Company (a hyphen replaced the original comma after Myerss death in 1899 when the company became a corporation). The postwar depression prompted Bristol-Myers to jettison its ethical drug business and devote itself entirely to its specialties: its two big winners and a dozen or so assorted toiletries, antiseptics and cough syrups. Company headquarters was established in Manhattan, where it has remained ever since. And having shifted squarely into the consumer products arena, Bristol-Myers began advertising its products directly to the public. In 1924, gross profits topped $1 million for the first time in Bristol-Myers history. The companys products were on sale in 26 countries. At this point, the shares held by John Myerss heirs became available for sale, triggering a series of moves that turned Bristol-Myers into a publicly held company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1929. In 1943, Bristol-Myers bought Cheplin Biological Labs, and quickly entered into the field of antibiotics. During the war, Bristol-Myers was a major distributor of penicillin and other types of antibiotics. By the end of the war, it was clear that penicillin and other antibiotics represented an immense opportunity for the company. Cheplin was renamed Bristol Laboratories, and Frederic N. Schwartz was put in charge of it. In 1957 Schwartz was appointed president and chief executive officer of Bristol-Myers when Henry Bristol chose to shed some of his former responsibilities and become chairman of the board. Reviewing the companys situation and prospects, Schwartz and then treasurer Gavin K. MacBain later Schwartzs successor as CEO decided that Bristol-Myers should embark on a program of acquiring well-managed smaller companies. The two executives first major move in that direction was to acquire Clairol. Within a dozen or so years after Clairol joined the company, a number of other acquisitions followed, including those of Drackett, Mead Johnson, Zimmer and Westwood. Population Genetics Lab Report EssayManagement/Human ResourcesBristol-Myers Squibb pertains to a centralized/pyramid management. A Board of Chairmen elect the officers of the company to serve out a term. The company is headed by a CEO, followed by a CFO, and so on. Assigned personnel are placed in individual aspects of the company and are put in charge of these divisions, only to answer to their superiors. Their international subsidaries are maintained by appointed personnel who control their subsidary, but also answer to a superior. Training and Development Training programs are conducted internally and externally throughout Bristol-Myers Squibb. Programs that are taught internally deal with competency, development, and coaching and feedback. Management programs taught internally are:Management Orientation-offers support, guidance, information, and opportunities to network and share with other new managers. Key Manager/Executive Integration-helps the transition into leadership rolesGlobal Leadership Development Program-Programs that help managers increase their effectiveness in meeting global challengesManagement Forums-facilitated by senior management to encourage information sharing and creative problem solving across divisional and functional boundariesExternal training is also encouraged at Bristol-Myers Squibb. Tuition Reimbursement programs are effective for all eligible employees, providing up to 100% of the cost of the class or classes attended. Compensation and RewardsCreative thinking is encouraged at Bristol-Myers Squibb. The company spends $1.6 billion on research and development each year to try to discover new medicines. Bonuses are awarded annually(and even quarterly in some instances) to employees who go beyond expectations. Stock options are given to every employee at the company through their program entitled TeamShare, although if performance levels are high, stock options become higher. Annual raises are also given to each employee, once again the amount raised in the employees salary all depends upon their performance. Once a year, the Presidents Award is given to the employee who has achieved the highest level of excellence in the company. One outstanding employee, nominated by their manager, is given a performance review by the company to compare with other employees in the same situation. The winner of the reward receives a cash prize. Labor Relations Bristol-Myers Squibb believes in good labor relation. Although all benefits for employees are only for non-unionized employees, the company makes it so that no union has a need to come about. Some programs enacted for the employees are:Competitive wages with other companiesAnnual bonusesAnnual raisesTeamShare program-allows employees the option of purchasing stoks from the companyAlthough no special labor laws are practiced in the company, Bristol-Myers Squibb does expect their employees to maintain the highest level of quality that is possible. Annual performance reviews are done on most of their employees, and on-the-job training is given to those who need the extra support. FinanceProfitability and Cash FlowIn 1998, Bristol-Myers Squibb recorded sales of $18.3 billion, about $1.5 billion more than 1997. Bristol-Myers Squibb finished with a gross profit of $4.3 billion. At the end of 1998, the companys market value exceeded $133 billion, making Bristol-Myers Squibb one of the top 15 publicly traded companies worldwide in terms of market value. FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARYOPERATING RESULTS(in millions, except per share amounts)1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 %0Business Reports
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